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Converting Android Activities to Fragments

  • Written by  Clive

App remodelling: From Activities to fragments

Converting Android activities to fragments activityToFragment icon

Got an app using activities that you want to convert to using fragments?

We’ll show you how easy it is to convert activity apps to fragment apps. It’s no big deal.

We’re using Honeycomb (Android 3.0, API Level 11) but you can use fragments from Android 1.6 (API Level 4) if you use the support library.

Out with the old: Our activity app

Our existing app is built using activities.

There are three activities:

  • MainActivity activity – displays a button. Pressing the button displays a list of contact names in the ContactsList activity
  • ContactsList activity – displays a list of contact names. Selecting a contact’s name, displays that contact’s image and name in the DisplayContact activity
  • DisplayContact activity - displays the selected contact’s image and name

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity screenshot

The MainActivity activity displays a button

Converting Android activities to fragments main list screenshot

Press the button to display the list. Select a list item to display the contact’s image and name

We want to convert this app so that it uses fragments.

Here’s the structure of the fragment version of the app:

In with the new: Our Fragment app

There is one activity and three fragments:

  • MainActivity activity – displays the fragments
  • ButtonFragment fragment – displays the button. Pressing the button displays a list of contact names in the ContactsListFragment fragment
  • ContactsListFragment fragment – displays a list of contact names. Selecting a contact’s name, displays that contact’s image and name in the DisplayContactFragment fragment
  • DisplayContactFragment fragment – displays the selected contact’s image and name

Making the change: This is how we’ll make the change

There are three parts to the app:

  • A button to display the list
  • A list of names to select from
  • A display of the selected contact’s image and name

We’ll keep the main activity and put each of the parts into a fragment. Then we’ll display the fragments in the main activity, swopping them in and out as we navigate through the app.

Getting to work: Converting the MainActivity activity

The main activity displays a single button.

Pressing the button starts the ContactsList activity which displays a list of contacts.

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity screenshot

The MainActivity activity displays a button

The MainActivity activity consists of the onCreate() method which contains the code for the button:

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity Button

Get a reference to the button and attach a listener to it in the activity’s onCreate() method

So what’s this?

We get a reference to the button and set an OnClickListener on it to deal with when the user clicks the button.

Clicking the button creates an intent which we use to start the ContactsList activity.

Making the change

Here’s what the code looks like inside the “new” MainActivity activity’s onCreate() method, the one we use for swopping the fragments:

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity FragmentManager

Get a Fragment Manager to interact with the fragments, and then display the fragment

So what’s this?

We’re going to use this activity to “manage” the fragments which we’ll swop as we navigate through the app.

First off, we need to get an instance of the Fragment Manager interface which enables us to interact with the fragments.

Next, we need to check whether we’re showing this activity for the first time or whether it’s being rebuilt (for example when the user changes the screen orientation).

  • The savedInstanceState bundle will be empty if we’re creating the activity for the first time. So, we go ahead and create and display the fragment showing the button.
  • If we’re rebuilding the activity then we don’t have to do anything

Check out these tutorials if you haven’t already done so:

We’ve moved: So how do we handle the button clicks?

We move the button’s OnClickListener from the activity to the fragment.

Here’s the code:

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity Fragment onClick()

The fragment will listen for when the button is clicked

So what’s this?

The fragment’s onCreateView() method inflates the fragment’s layout, creating the User Interface which we need to access the Button view.

We include this code in the fragment’s onViewCreated() method which is executed after the onCreateView() method .

In it we get a reference to the button and set an OnClickListener on it to deal with when the user clicks the button.

Clicking the button calls the showContactsList() method which is found in the MainActivity activity.

Here’s that method:

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity Fragment interface

The showContactsList() method is in the MainActivity activity. It creates and displays the fragment with the list of names

So what’s this?

Clicking the button triggers the onClick() method which executes this method in the MainActivity activity where we create and display the ContactsListFragment fragment.

Note that we call replace() to replace the existing fragment (the button fragment) with this one.

Also note that we include addToBackStack() which ensures that this fragment will be remembered and displayed when the Back button is pressed.

What’s on the list? Handling the list item selections

The MainActivity activity must deal with when the user selects a name from the contacts list. To make this possible, we have to let it implement our custom listener interface which we define in the ContactsListFragment fragment:

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity Fragment implement interface

Implement the interface for the activity to handle the list item selections in the fragment

So what’s this?

The MainActivity activity implements our custom OnContactsSelectedListener interface to handle the list item selections. We’ll discuss the listener in more detail later when we discuss the ContactsListFragment fragment.

Here’s the listener’s onContactsSelected() method as defined in the MainActivity activity:

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity Fragment implement interface Method

The interface method is executed in the activity when an item is selected in the fragment

So what’s this?

Selecting a list item triggers this method. In it we create and display the DisplayContactFragment fragment. This displays the selected contact’s image (well actually a placeholder image) and name.

Note that we use replace() to replace the current fragment with this one.

This method receives the position integer of the selected item as a parameter. We bundle it into the fragment transaction. We’ll use it when creating the fragment to retrieve the selected item’s name.

Note that we also include addToBackStack() which ensures that this fragment will be remembered and displayed when the Back button is pressed.

The ButtonFragment fragment

This fragment displays the button.

We’ve already dealt with the button listener and how the clicks are handled.

There are two additional “parts” of this fragment to briefly touch on:

  • The empty constructor which is required for all fragments
  • The onCreateView() method. You need to call this method if your fragment includes a User Interface. We have to call it because we have a User Interface, the button. Essentially it inflates the given layout giving us access to the button

The ContactsList activity

This activity extends the ListActivity class. It has its own default layout so we don’t have to include one.

We use it to display a list of contact’s names.

Converting Android activities to fragments main activity ListFragment

This ListActivity displays a scrollable list of names

Check out this tutorial for more on lists, Android ListView tutorial.

Basically there are two parts to this activity:

  • In the activity’s onCreate() method we create an adapter and attach it to the list view to supply the contact names from the contactsList array
  • The onListItemClick() method which is triggered when a list item is selected. Here we use an intent containing the selected item’s list position to start the DisplayContact activity

Here’s how we convert this activity to the fragment equivalent, the ContactsListFragment fragment.

ContactsListFragment fragment

This fragment extends the ListFragment class, the fragment equivalent of the ListActivity class.

  • We move the adapter code from the activity’s onCreate() method to the fragment’s onActivityCreated() method. This method is called after the fragment’s onCreateView() method, once the MainActivity activity has been created
  • This list fragment also has an onListItemClick()method which is triggered when a list item is selected. We use our custom listener interface, OnContactSelectedListener’s callback to execute the onContactSelected() method in the MainActivity (see the discussion of this above where we discuss the MainActivity). In it we create and display the DisplayContactFragment fragment, displaying the selected contact’s image (well actually a placeholder image) and their name
  • We also have the required empty fragment constructor
  • Then there’s our custom listener interface

Here’s the code for the listener interface:

Converting Android activities to fragments interface

We need an interface to send the selected item’s position to the MainActivity activity

So what’s this?

This is our custom callback interface which we use to send the selected item’s position back to the MainActivity.

Each time the user selects an item, the onListItemClick()method is triggered, which in turn calls the onContactSelected() method, passing on the selected item’s position.

  • Finally, we include the fragment’s onAttach() method

Here’s the code for the onAttach() method:

Converting Android activities to fragments interface onAttach()

Make sure that the MainActivity implements the callback interface

So what’s this?

This method is called when the fragment is first attached to the MainActivity activity. We use it to check that the activity implements our interface else it throws an error.

The DisplayContact activity

This activity displays the selected contact’s name and image.

Converting Android activities to fragments display contact

We display the selected contact’s name and image

Here’s the code that does the work. It’s all in the activity’s onCreate() method:

Converting Android activities to fragments display contact fragment

Get the selected item’s position and then display the matching name and image

So what’s this?

First we get a reference to the TextView that we’ll use to display the contact’s name.

Next we get the selected contact’s position in the list which was passed here from the ContactsList activity in the intent. Then we use an if else statement to check that we have a valid value for position.

  • If it’s valid then we use the position value as an index to the contactsList array to get the selected contact’s name. The name is then displayed. The default image will also be displayed
  • If position is not valid (it’s -1) then display the problem drawable in the ImageView along with an appropriate text message

Here’s how we convert the activity to the fragment equivalent, the DisplayContactFragment fragment.

DisplayContactFragment fragment

This fragment displays the selected contact’s name and image.

The fragment has two methods:

  • The required empty constructor
  • The onCreateView() method. This method inflates the fragment’s layout providing the User Interface. We then  include the same code that is contained in the activity’s onCreate() method

The XML layouts

The layouts determine how the views are laid out on the screen.

In the fragment version of the app, the main activity has a container layout. All the fragments are then displayed in this container (one at a time as the user navigates through the app).

All the fragment’s layouts are standard layouts, exactly the same as you would use for any activity.

The MainActivity activity’s layout

The main activity displays the various fragments in a FrameLayout container.

Here’s the XML code:

Converting Android activities to fragments XML container

The MainActivity activity’s fragment container

So what’s this?

It’s a normal LinearLayout containing a FrameLayout.

  • The FrameLayout acts as a container in which we swop the various fragments. It has a unique ID which we use when we add a fragment to or replace a fragment in the container:

Converting Android activities to fragments XML container

Fragments are added to or replaced in the fragment_container

So what’s this?

Note the FrameLayout’s ID, in the calls to add or replace a fragment.

The remaining fragments XML layouts

The remaining fragments have normal layouts just like those that you would use for activities.

The landscape version

We include both a default portrait version and a landscape version of the DisplayContactFragment fragment’s layout. Both are named fragment_display_contact.xml.

The landscape version is used if the device is in landscape mode:

Converting Android activities to fragments landscape layout Screenshot

The system chooses the correct layout at runtime

I hope that you have found this tutorial helpful.

This project was created using .

You can download the project files here Download icon
