Here’s our Tutorial app
In our app we pass a Country object containing three fields from one activity to another.
The three fields are stored in arrays. The arrays contain:
- The name of a country
- The capital city of a country
- The population of a country
The Country class
Here’s the code for the Country class, note that it implements the Serializable class:
The Country class implements the Serializable class. The constructor receives the three fields as parameters
The main activity
Running the main activity creates a Country object containing the name, capital city and population of a country. The information for each of the fields is contained in three arrays. We use a randomly generated integer as the array index.
Pressing the Pass Country Data button, creates an Intent, bundles the Country object in it and starts the Second Activity where the information is displayed
Pressing the displayed Pass Country Data button uses an intent to start another activity. We include the object containing the country information in the intent.
The second activity
We extract the country information out of the intent when the second activity starts. The information is then displayed on the screen.
Here’s how the magic’s done
Starting out: The MainActivity activity
The MainActivity activity starts when the app launches.
Create the serialized object
We create our serialized Country object in the main activity’s onResume() method by calling the createCountry() method:
We use a random number generator to generate a random number which we use as an index to access the array’s data
onResume(), one of the activity’s lifecycle methods, is always called when the activity starts to interact with the user. We create the Country object here, so we’ll be sure to have an object to pass in the intent when the user presses the Pass Country Data button, (even if the user presses the Back button in the second activity).
Pass the sauce Bob!
Clicking the Pass Country Data button executes the following code:
Create an Intent, put the serialized object in the intent and then start the next activity
A quick explanation
We create an Intent, passing it the context and the SecondActivity class as parameters. The SecondActivity activity is the activity that we want to start. It will also receive the Country object.
We then put the Country object in the intent using the key/value pair of country/thisCountry as parameters.
Finally we call startActivity() to start the second activity.
Moving on: The second activity
When the SecondActivity activity starts:
- We get the intent that started it
- We get our Country object out of the intent
Getting the intent
Here’s how we get the intent:
Get the Intent that started the activity and then extract the serialized object
A quick explanation
We call getIntent() to get the intent that started the SecondActivity activity.
Then we call getSerializableExtra(), passing the key as a parameter, to get the Country object that was passed from the MainActivity activity.
Show me what you got!
Once we’ve got the Country object, we can then show the information that it contains.
First things first: Initialise the text views
We first get the text views that will display the individual fields:
Find the TextView view’s using their ID’s and then cast them to TextView objects
Put them on display: Display the Country information
Once we’ve initialized the text views, we call the displayThisCountryDetails() method, passing the Country object as a parameter.
The displayThisCountryDetails() method contains the following code:
Call setText() to display the Country object’s fields values
A quick explanation
We display the individual Country object’s fields by calling setText() on each of the text views, passing the values returned by the Country class’s getters as parameters.
That’s it! Quick and easy.
Watch out for our tutorial on passing data using the Parcelable interface, coming soon.
You may also be interested in our tutorial, Passing data between activities where we show you how to pass primitive data between activities. We also show you how to pass Parcelable objects between activities in our Passing parcels between activities tutorial.
I hope that you have found this tutorial helpful.
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