- Open up WordPad
- Enter your questions, one per line. Separate fields with the "pipe" character (|). Do not use the pipe character anywhere else in your file. It is used to separate the fields.
- Keep the format -- category|question|correct answer|answer 2|answer 3|answer 4|answer 5 -- The first field is the category (or subject), followed by a question.You then need to supply the correct answer followed by four more possible (but incorrect) answers. Each of these fields are separated by the "pipe"character - see two questions in the image below:
- Save the file. From the drop-down menu select Save As > Plain Text Document
- Enter diy_quiz.txt as the File name. Select Text Document (*.txt) as the Save as type: and press the Save button.
- That's it!
You can have as many categories and questions as you like (although you probably won't want more than about 10 categories). The order in which you enter the categories doesn't really matter as long as you stick to the format (as described above) for each row. Remember that the trial version only shows two categories.
Once you've downloaded the text file to your device, it will be converted into a database by the app. If you choose to uninstall the app, it won't affect your text file which will remain in the device's Download folder.
You may find it easier using a spreadsheet to create your text file. OpenOffice and LibreOffice work fine and so should Microsoft Excel. I'll be posting how-to articles on the first two options here shortly.