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Android Material Design Navigation Drawers

  • Written by  Clive

Android Navigation Drawers: Quick and dirty clean!

android material design navigation drawer tutorial icon

Do you know where you are: So what’s a Navigation Drawer?

The navigation drawer is a panel that slides out from the left (or right) side of the screen.

The user opens and closes the drawer by swiping their finger from or to the screen edge. The drawer contains a menu of navigation options.

Users can also open the drawer by touching the hamburger icon (if it’s displayed) in the left corner of the Toolbar.

android material design navigation drawer hamburger icon

The Hamburger icon on the left of the Toolbar

android material design navigation drawer screenshot

The navigation drawer panel displays a menu of items that the user can select from

Did you know that you can slide the navigation drawer out from both the left and the right side of the screen? Read on to see how.

Note however that according to material design best practices:

  • Left drawers should have options for navigating around the app
  • Right drawers should have actions that can be performed on the current content

Don’t go it alone: Use the Support library

The design support library lets you include material design features in your navigation drawers.

We’re also using the AppCompat support Library so our app will work on Jelly Bean (Api 16) and above.

Check your build.gradle (Module: app) file.

We’re compiling our app using Sdk version 23 with a minimum Sdk version of 16 so our dependencies include these two Support libraries:

android material design navigation drawer gradle support library dependencies

Include these two support libraries in your gradle dependencies

Our one and only Activity

We only have one activity in our tutorial app, the MainActivity.

Our activity extends AppCompatActivity which is the base class for activities using the support library Action Bar features.

Here’s our activity’s onCreate() method

android material design navigation drawer tutorial onCreate()

Use the onCreate() method to inflate your layout and get the Toolbar

What’s happening here?

  • setContentView() – we tell the activity to use the activity_main layout
  • toolbar – we get a reference to our Toolbar which we’ll use instead of the ActionBar
  • setSupportActionBar() – we replace the ActionBar with our Toolbar

Out with the old, in with the new: Replace the ActionBar with a Toolbar

Do it in Style

We need to tell the Android system that we’re replacing the ActionBar with our Toolbar. We do this in the styles resource file by defining a custom style called AppTheme.NoActionBar:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial no actionbar style

Define your NoActionBar style in the styles resource file

Is it in the manifest?

We then notify the Android system in the AndroidManifest.xml file that we want the MainActivity activity to use this style:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial no actionbar style androidmanifest.xml

Specify in the manifest file that the MainActivity should use the NoActionBar style

Have you seen this tutorial? Using Toolbars in your apps

The master plan: The MainActivity layout

So here’s the activity_main layout code:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout

The MainActivity layout has a DrawerLayout as its root layout. Your main content must be the first child view

What’s happening here?

  • DrawerLayout – we use the DrawerLayout widget as the top level container
  • include – you must place the main content of the activity as the first child of the DrawerLayout. We use the tag to include another layout, app_bar_main that contains our main content. You may want to check out this tutorial, Improve layout performance: use include and merge
  • Navigation View – contains the navigation menu for our drawer – it’s populated from a menu resource file
    • layout_gravity – this determines whether the drawer slides out from the left (start) or right (end) of the screen
    • headerLayout – this layout defines the look of the drawer header. See the image below

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout header drawable

The drawer header

    • menu – we inflate the menu resource file, activity_main_drawer to get our drawer navigation items. More on this later

Heads up: The Drawer’s Header layout

You can choose what you want to display in the header by defining its look in a layout resource file.

We’ve defined our header in the nav_header_main xml layout file.

Here’s the code:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout nav header

Define your drawer header in a layout resource file

What’s happening here?

A root, LinearLayout contains an image view plus two text views.

  • background – we use a drawable defined in xml for the green background
  • theme – we use the system theme, ThemeOverLay.AppCompat.Dark which essentially displays our text in white or a light color (on our dark background)

Jumping Jack: Back to the activity_main layout

Here’s looking at the NavigationView, again!

The Navigation Drawer menu

  • menu – we define our navigation drawer menu items in a menu resource file, activity_main_drawer. The resource file is inflated and displays the menu in the drawer. Here’s the code:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout navigation drawer menu

Define the Navigation Drawer’s menu items in a menu resource file

What’s happening here?

  • group – a group of menu items (a collection of menu items, usually having something in common). The group contains one or more elements
  • checkableBehavior -  the type of checkable behaviour for the group. Valid values:
    • none
    • all
    • single – we use this option so the user can only select one item
  • Communicate – a heading for the sub-menu containing the Share and Send items

Time to jump again: Revisiting the activity_main layout - So what’s included?

We’ve included the app_bar_main layout

Your activity’s main content must be the first child view in the DrawerLayout container. We’ve defined our content in a layout resource file and included that layout as the child view.

Let’s look at the included app_bar_main layout in more detail.

Here’s the code:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout navigation drawer menu app bar main layout

We’ve defined our main content in this separate layout file which we include in the DrawerLayout container. This layout also includes another layout

What’s happening here?

  • CoordinatorLayout – a more powerful FrameLayout that allows for child views to interact with each other
  • AppBarLayout – basically a vertical LinearLayout which when used within a CoordinatorLayout implements many of the material design app bar features, such as scrolling
  • include – our actual main content is defined in a separate layout, content_main,  which we include here
  • FloatingActionButton – we include a Floating Action Button

Never ending story: Another included layout

Finally we get to our main content: The content_main layout

Okay, so finally. This is our main content, really.

And here’s the code for the included content_main layout:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout navigation drawer main content

The layout where we define our main content, a simple TextView

What’s happening here?

  • RelativeLayout – the root container
  • TextView – our main content

Back in time: Back to the rest of the onCreate() method

Here’s the second part of the activity’s onCreate method.

This is where we get a reference to our drawer, create an ActionBarDrawerToggle to sync the drawer actions to the hamburger icon (the drawer affordance or indicator) and finally we add a listener to the drawer.

The Drawer

Here’s the code for the drawer:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout navigation drawer listener

Our code for listening to the drawer events

What’s happening here?

  • drawer – we get a reference to our drawer
  • toggle – we create an ActionBarDrawerToggle so that we can sync the behaviour of the drawer to the drawer indicator (the hamburger icon). You can use a different icon and also animate it as the drawer opens and closes. You may want to check out these methods:
    • onDrawerOpened()
    • onDrawerClosed()
    • onDrawerSlide()
    • onDrawerStateChanged()
  • addDrawerListener() – listens for when the drawer opens, closes, etc. We pass the toggle as a parameter. It will be notified when the drawer opens, closes, etc. This listener does not handle the drawer menu options selections. See setNavigationItemSelectedListener() below for that
  • syncState() – this synchronises the state of the drawer (open, closed, etc.) with the drawer indicator (the hamburger icon)
  • navigationView – we get a reference to our NavigationView so that we can handle the menu option selections
  • setNavigationItemSelectedListener() – we set a listener which will be notified when any of the drawer menu items are selected. Selections will be handled by the onNavigationItemSelected() method. See below

Let’s go Mr. Navigator: selecting navigation items in the drawer

The onNavigationItemSelected() method

Here’s how we handle navigation item selections:

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout navigation drawer listener onNavigationItemSelected

onNavigationItemSelected() is triggered when a drawer menu item is selected

What’s happening here?

This method is triggered whenever a drawer menu item is selected.

We’ve included a number of log messages for demonstration purposes. These will be displayed in the LogCat when an item is selected.

  • item – the selected drawer menu item
  • getItemId() – we get the id for the selected item
  • if/else – we use an if else statement to filter the id’s. The appropriate code is executed when a match is made
  • drawer – we get a reference to our drawer
  • closeDrawer() – closes the drawer

Ending it all

Pressing the onBackPressed() button

Pressing the Back button finishes the activity. We use it to make sure that the drawer is closed when the activity finishes.

Here’s the code for the onBackPressed():

android material design navigation drawer tutorial DrawerLayout navigation drawer listener onBackPressed()

Calling onBackPressed() finishes the activity. Check if the drawer is open, close it if it is

Code available for download download35

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This tutorial is based on the activity generated by Android Studio when you choose to create a new Navigation Drawer Activity.

Material Design patterns for the Navigation Drawer

The official training guide for creating Navigation Drawers

A tutorial on Using navigation drawers in your apps

Check out SlideNerd’s video tutorial on youtube,