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Android image Spinner tutorial

In a flat spin: Showing images in a Spinner

Android Spinner spinners icon

Spinners display a list of selectable items.

When first displayed, the Spinner only shows the currently selected item. Touching the Spinner displays the full list of items that the user can choose from.

Our tutorial will show you how to use a Spinner to display a list of images that the user can choose from.

Using Volley to download and display images in a grid

Android Volley GridView Tutorial grid icon

Here’s the third part of the Volley tutorial.

This is where we show you how to use Volley to download images and display them in a GridView.

Using Volley to download and display images in a list

Android Volley tutorial list icon 

Here’s the second part of the Volley tutorial.

This is where we show you how to use Volley to download images and display them in a ListView.

Using Volley to download, cache and display images in lists and grids

Android Volley Library volley icon

Volley is an HTTP Library that makes networking for Android easy. It’s developed by Google and is free to use in your apps.

This is what Volley can do for you:

  • You can automatically schedule network requests
  • You can have multiple concurrent network connections
  • You can  use disk and memory caches
  • You can prioritise your requests
  • You can cancel your requests
  • You can customize Volley according to your needs
  • Your requests are ordered so its easy to populate your UI with data fetched asynchronously from the network
  • Volley supports the download of strings, images and JSON

Volley is not suitable for large downloads or streaming (Volley holds all responses in memory during parsing so large downloads will use a lot of memory).

You should use the DownloadManager for large downloads.

We’re going to be using Volley to download images for display in a list and grid.

Using the Universal Image Loader to populate a GridView

Universal Image Loader Library UIL Grid icon

The Universal Image Loader or UIL is a Library that you can include in your apps to take care of your images.

The Universal Image Loader Library:

  • Asynchronously downloads and loads your images for you
  • Caches the images in memory and on disk for you
  • Displays the images for you
  • Uses multithreading
  • You can configure it to suite your needs
  • You can set options for each image display
  • It's Free and Open Source

King of the Universe: The Universal Image Loader Library and you

Universal Image Loader Library list icon

So what is the Universal Image Loader Library?

The Universal Image Loader or UIL is a Library that you can include in your apps to take care of your images.

The Universal Image Loader Library:

  • Asynchronously downloads and loads your images for you
  • Caches the images in memory and on disk for you
  • Displays the images for you
  • Uses multithreading
  • You can configure it to suite your needs
  • You can set options for each image display
  • It's Free and Open Source

Different images for different devices: it’s all about supply and demand

Android alternative bitmap resources logoThis is the 2nd part of a two part series of articles on designing Android apps for multiple screens. Here's a link to part 1, Different images for different devices: bitmaps, pixels and other things that go bump in the night

Put all images that you use in an Android app inside a drawable folder. You should also supply different size images for the different screen densities.

Alternative bitmaps

Android devices come in different shapes and sizes. Their screen sizes range from small phones to 10 inch tablets and larger TV’s. They also have different screen densities.

Different images for different devices: bitmaps, pixels and other things that go bump in the night

resources icon

Which images to use as image resources

There are two main graphic types, bitmap and vector graphics.

Vector graphics describe an image according to its geometric characteristics and can be resized without losing quality.

In Android, we’re more interested in Bitmap images which are stored electronically as a map of bits.

Another electronic image term is the pixel. Sometimes bits and pixels are interchanged and a bitmap can refer to a map of pixels, where each pixel represents a colour.

Bitmaps are resolution dependent which means they contain a fixed number of pixels so they will lose quality if you change their size.

How to create round corners on images,quickly,easily and for free!

Rounding the corners of your images, quickly, easily and for free!

Round the corners of your images

Whether you’re writing an article or developing an app, chances are that you may need an image and you’d probably want to round off the corners too. If you’ve got the money it’s easy to buy images but most are copyrighted and restrict where and how you can use them. There are also expensive tools to edit the images, including rounding the corners. What if you don’t have the money? Well, then this quick tutorial is for you because I will show you where to get great images without any copyright restrictions for free. I’ll also show you how to round off the corners so that you too can create great, professionally looking images for your article and apps.

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